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IServerStatistics Methods

The IServerStatistics type exposes the following members.

Public methodDecreaseCrosserConnections
Decrease the current number of connections over CROSSER
Public methodDecreaseHttpConnections
Decrease the current number of connections over HTTP
Public methodDecreaseWsConnections
Decrease the current number of connections over WEBSOCKETS
Public methodIncreaseCrosserConnections
Increase the current number of connections over CROSSER
Public methodIncreaseCrosserIn
Increase the total messages and bytes reveived over CROSSER
Public methodIncreaseCrosserOut
Increase the total messages and bytes sent over CROSSER
Public methodIncreaseErrors
Increases the Error count in the server
Public methodIncreaseHttpConnections
Increase the current number of connections over HTTP
Public methodIncreaseHttpIn
Increase the total messages and bytes reveived over HTTP
Public methodIncreaseHttpOut
Increase the total messages and bytes sent over HTTP
Public methodIncreaseWsConnections
Increase the current number of connections over WEBSOCKETS
Public methodIncreaseWsIn
Increase the total messages and bytes reveived over WEBSOCKETS
Public methodIncreaseWsOut
Increase the total messages and bytes sent over WEBSOCKETS
See Also